Eaten in the US and Banned Overseas

    Did you know some substances in our food are banned overseas because they are so toxic? If you like to eat healthy like we do here at Qure, it’s good to know what to avoid. And because you’ve likely consumed a few of these, they’re another good reason to drink lots of Qure … Continued

Are You Over Acidic?

Recent research studies have revealed that a large number of illness and diseases are linked to diet and lifestyle. We live in a commercial and industrial fast-paced society filled with stress, chemicals and pollution. As a culture, we eat artificially colored / flavored, genetically altered and nutritionally bankrupt foods and beverages that produce over acidity … Continued

Understanding the pH Scale

Let’s begin with a basic understanding of pH. “pH” stands for “potential of Hydrogen”. It is the measure of substance’s acidity or alkalinity. The pH scale is logarithmic by multiples of ten, which means that each unit of change equals tenfold. To put it another way, a solution with a pH of 6.0 is 10 … Continued

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