We, here at QURE, are not claiming to have re-invented water or invented some super scientific process to make miracle water or the likes. Instead, we went with common sense and took notes from how Mother Nature mineralizes water. We call our process QURATION! This process is one of our key points of difference from other alkaline waters on the market today.
BASE WATER: We start with clean base water sourced from Orange County, California that is filtered and cleaned by the Orange County Water District under the strict supervision of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This water originates from a clean, private underground reservoir together with water from the Santa Ana River and the Colorado River. This base water is basically spring water that has been cleaned and tested for cleanliness and safety.Even though this base water is clean and drinkable by EPA standards, it is not clean enough for our standards. Our process requires meticulous pure base water in order for our mineral process to be most successful. This is the reason why we apply a 7 stage state-of-the-art commercial reverse osmosis purification process to purify this base water to a TDS of .05 ppm (parts per million). This means it’s immaculately pristine clean and stored in a tank before our next step.
The next step is where we replicate Mother Nature’s water cycle process. We route this pristine clean purified water through a special vessel that contains several staged layers of our proprietary blend of natural alkaline mineral catalyst in the shape of underground rock layers. These layers of minerals are designed to replicate the way Mother Nature naturally underground aquifers and springs. This stage is where the “ion exchange” or “active bonding” interaction of water molecules to minerals happens.
This next step is where we ensure that the ionic bond will last and the alkaline-rich minerals will become part of the pristine clean water. To accomplish this, we allow our alkaline water to marinate and circulate in a special tank with Ultraviolet light to disinfect while the bonding happens.
After the mineralization process, we run our prized mineral-rich alkaline water into a chamber of after-filters made from sweet coconut shell carbon to polish and remove any large solid mineral. The final stage is the Ozonation process for bacteria protection before it is ready to be bottled. The end product is pristine purified water with natural ionic alkaline minerals bearing a strong and stable alkaline pH of 9.5+ with a 2-year shelf life in its unopened bottle.